Saturday, August 2, 2014

AXE LAID AT ‘OUR’ ROOT & Mathew 3:10 - INDIAN PAST - GURU vis-a-vis GORU

“The profession of a cook, as well as that of a teacher, is highly honourable in India,” wrote the LMS Missionary,Rev. Samuel Mateer, while ‘labouring’  in the Hindu kingdom of  Travancore . (p.63, Chapter IV,of the book The Land of Charity, 1870).

So these men knew about the wellspring of our strengths.

Therefore they set their minds on destroying the very sources that  nourished our people and  culture. If one refers to Wikipedia about Alexander Duff (missionary) this is what he/she will come across. “Alexander Duff, D.D. LLD., was a Christian missionary in India;(Kolkotta) where he played a large part in the development of higher education.” – So what is the nature of his ‘bequeathal’ to higher education in India. Consider the following :-

“[Alexander] Duff had developed an elaborate system for inculcating  CHRISTIAN concepts through close questioning, careful relation of concepts, and association of ideas with their precise linguistic equivalent. The same associative technique was used for undermining reverence for BRAHMINICAL concepts. [Lal Behari]  Day recounts his first class of instruction by Duff, in which the subject was a catechism on the cow. Duff asked his students to  supply the Bengali word for cow, which is  GORU. He next asked whether they knew another Bengali word resembling it in sound, which happened, of course, to be  GURU, or Brahmin teacher. Dwelling at ample length on the patterns of similarity in form and sound  between the two words, Duff quietly  built up to his solemn query about what purpose was served by a GURU and whether GORU was not more useful than GURU. “He then left our class,” writes his student, “and went into another, leaving in our minds seeds of future thought and reflection”. (p.58, Chapter 2, Masks of Conquest, by Gauri Viswanathan, Oxford India, 1989)

‘They’ purposefully undermined our timeless  institutions engaged in preservation and transmission of precious knowledge &  wisdom.
Now they are hell bent on subverting the very sources of supply of our FOOD, through various means like GM seeds/crops & WTO treaties. Damn them & Do not Forget Mathew 3:10, from the Christian Viewing Point.

Mathew 3:10 “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”  Again contrast this with Manusmrithi Chapter 8, verse 285 –“For injuring any kind of tree, (without purpose), a fine should be imposed proportionate to its utility – that is the fixed rule” For our culture  a tree is a tree, whether good fruit or bad fruit !!

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