Friday, December 20, 2013

The Global Fund- Charity, Foreign-Aid & Corruption.

CHARITY, FOREIGN-AID & CORRUPTION – Public should try to get complete grasp of the processes that lead to corruption !!!

The following excerpt is from a blog-page of David McCoy, (Link who had been interviewed by a BBC Panorama team, about the corruption in the handling and distribution of “The Global Fund” . BBC World had telecasted this programme last weekend. However it is available on U-tube. Bill Gates,Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Bono had appeared on the promotion video for raising the fund.

The aim of the Global fund is preventing deadly diseases like malaria and TB. In the case of the fight against malaria, it is not any medicine or ‘high-tech’ solution, that is used to deal with the problem. Malaria is prevented through the supply and use of mosquito- nets, and $20million had been ‘spent’ on this alone !!!!

In my child-hood I had witnessed men with huge sacks combing our paddy fields in the night aided by a petro-max in search of edible frogs. These frogs were for export and the frogs became almost extinct that govt. imposed a ban on this activity. This is one major reason for the increase in the mosquito population, leading to the spread of many mosquito-borne diseases. And now the 'foreign-aid' (approx $20million) is directed towards buying mosquito nets !!!! What a funny scenario!? The population must to taught to look at nature in its divine aspect, different from the view of "subjugation, domination and exploitation" prevailing now.

And now the excerpt “The first is that corruption and the mis-use of public or charitable finance is not solely a developing country phenomenon. Embezzlement, scams and fraud exist in the UK, the United States and elsewhere. The second is that corruption in any country is a systemic issue and shaped by, among other things, social and cultural attitudes; the existence of financial management capacity and infrastructure; and the quality of local judicial systems. It is rarely isolated to a single actor or transaction. The third is that the biggest form of corruption affecting developing countries is not the embezzlement of aid, but the avoidance and evasion of tax by multinational corporations and the illicit outflows of private finance enabled by tax havens and banks. For every dollar of aid that goes into poor countries, approximately $10 flows out in the form of illicit financial flows. This is followed by large-scale corruption associated with arms deals and foreign direct investment agreements – involving both local and global actors” .

There are preposterous claims in the video, of white men/women saving lives in the third-world. We are part of the White-man’s Burden !!!!

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