Friday, December 20, 2013

The Global Fund- Charity, Foreign-Aid & Corruption.

CHARITY, FOREIGN-AID & CORRUPTION – Public should try to get complete grasp of the processes that lead to corruption !!!

The following excerpt is from a blog-page of David McCoy, (Link who had been interviewed by a BBC Panorama team, about the corruption in the handling and distribution of “The Global Fund” . BBC World had telecasted this programme last weekend. However it is available on U-tube. Bill Gates,Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Bono had appeared on the promotion video for raising the fund.

The aim of the Global fund is preventing deadly diseases like malaria and TB. In the case of the fight against malaria, it is not any medicine or ‘high-tech’ solution, that is used to deal with the problem. Malaria is prevented through the supply and use of mosquito- nets, and $20million had been ‘spent’ on this alone !!!!

In my child-hood I had witnessed men with huge sacks combing our paddy fields in the night aided by a petro-max in search of edible frogs. These frogs were for export and the frogs became almost extinct that govt. imposed a ban on this activity. This is one major reason for the increase in the mosquito population, leading to the spread of many mosquito-borne diseases. And now the 'foreign-aid' (approx $20million) is directed towards buying mosquito nets !!!! What a funny scenario!? The population must to taught to look at nature in its divine aspect, different from the view of "subjugation, domination and exploitation" prevailing now.

And now the excerpt “The first is that corruption and the mis-use of public or charitable finance is not solely a developing country phenomenon. Embezzlement, scams and fraud exist in the UK, the United States and elsewhere. The second is that corruption in any country is a systemic issue and shaped by, among other things, social and cultural attitudes; the existence of financial management capacity and infrastructure; and the quality of local judicial systems. It is rarely isolated to a single actor or transaction. The third is that the biggest form of corruption affecting developing countries is not the embezzlement of aid, but the avoidance and evasion of tax by multinational corporations and the illicit outflows of private finance enabled by tax havens and banks. For every dollar of aid that goes into poor countries, approximately $10 flows out in the form of illicit financial flows. This is followed by large-scale corruption associated with arms deals and foreign direct investment agreements – involving both local and global actors” .

There are preposterous claims in the video, of white men/women saving lives in the third-world. We are part of the White-man’s Burden !!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

ORGAN DONATION - IS IT A VIRTUOUS ACT, to be promoted as a social value !!!????

Ultimately, organ donations are not beneficial to society. People will abandon restrainful lives. They well-to-do will indulge themselves more in pleasures and vices. They feel any mis-hap to any of their body parts could be overcome either through treatment or as a last resort , by organ transplants.

People in general will not be motivated to insist on chemical/pesticide free food-products, for their consumption. Polluted air, water and food is one of the major reasons for organ failure, and if it affects a pregnant mother, it may affect the child in the womb too in many unforseen ways. That is, the harmful effects of pollutants will be carried forward to successive generations. eg. Bhopal, Chernobyl and Kasargod (Endosulphan) .Further people will become careless about their life style and consumption patterns, which is sure to intrude into other peoples's lives. eg. Chembanmudy quarries in Kerala. The people around is reported to have contracted respiratory diseases, due to quarry dust.

Post operative care is very expensive and ordinary citizens will find themselves between the devil and deep sea. Situations may arise in the family, where organ donation for/to a family member may lead to contentious issues. Medical industry which is the ultimate beneficiary is sure to exploit the situation. An MBBS seat now costs up-ward of fifty lakhs.The ordinary citizen is scared and uncertain about two expenses. Medical & Educational.The option to go in for organ transplant, due to societial and peer pressure, are sure to strain family resources further. Instead of the public promoting organ donation & transplants, they should seek ways and means to arrest and wipe out completely, organ failures among its members. Prevention is sure to be better than cure. - Finally in the larger context, organ donation is NOT A VIRTUOUS ACT.

Friday, December 13, 2013


The wicked, disrespectful  and intolerant mind of a Missionary is reflected in this poem. Most Hindus , especially those belonging to priestly vocation, will never compose such a poem, condemning the dieties/prophets of another religion.

Composed in Bengalee by Mr. Carey and translated  into English by J.Fountain.
The Indian  renouncing Heathenism, and embracing Christianity.  (p.309) .jpg

11.     In serving vain idols, why thus spend my days,
Since  nought but destruction attends all my ways?
The Lord of the world did descend from on high,
And was born in our nature all sin to destroy.

22.     Hitherto my whole soul, full of darkness has been,
And like other people I’ve gone on in sin,
With them I was drowning in misery’s deep,
And on earth I discovered no way of escape

33.     Seeb, Doorga, and Kallee, could  give me no aid,
No Debta nor Debbee, no offerings were made,
No Brammhan, no Yogee, no deed done by me,
No, not all these united can set my soul free.

44.     These all are quite useless, I’ve found them all vain,
From the power of JESUS some hope I obtain:
These heavens and this earth are the work of his hands;
He animates all things; all superintends.

55.     My sin,  and my holiness, now are my shame!
My passions, my wishes, my honour, my name;
I now lay all down at CHRIST JESUS’ feet,
And trust, though a sinner, I mercy shall get.

66.     Ho! All sinful people, this good news attend,
Salvation and Righteousness, now apprehend;
This, this is the order he gives unto you,
And then after death you to glory shall go.

Inhuman & dysfunctional political/economic system of the West.

This book review is captioned “Working to re-humanize work” by the reviewer. 

The political and economic system takes the blame for the de-humanization of work. Unless the system is changed, humanizing work/management will be elusive.
For Indians, the existing political & economic  systems they find themselves in, are of foreign origin.
Why must  we Indians carry ‘their’ cross?

It is also to be noted that the company Mondragón Corporation, belonging to the co-operative sector and mentioned in this review  is of Spanish origin. Sometime back I had  in my blog-page highlighted “Rethinking Our Concept of WORK” written by a Spanish Professor Shri Argandonna, from the University of  Navarra in Spain.  Looks like the Spanish may steal the show from Indians, with respect to organizing life and work on a sane foundation.

I think the Village economic system that had prevailed here (India), was more refined that the co-operative system. The key-stone of the Indian material life was dependent on Karma-Yoga. In the name of ‘false/pseudo  secularistic  behavior’ especially in public, we are keeping away this valuable science from our younger generation. Unless it is given importance in the educational institutions, or in public discourse, whatever cajoling we do at home fails to impress the youngsters. But then there is the danger due to overexposure, because the subject-matter may become profane. Krishna/Vyasa was very specific that unless an individual shows respectful interest, the subject/knowledge should not be revealed to him. Gita 18:67

Now the book review :-

December 10, 2013
Working to rehumanise work   Book review by ARVIND SIVARAMAKRISHNAN
(Words in Brackets and in  italics are comments made by me)
A study that has the courage to say ordinary people must be trusted to organise their own work

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Gandhian Economics - The only way forward.

The name of J.C.Kumarappa  and his take on the different kinds of economy, especially predatory economy figures in this recent op-ed article. Modern business practices (karma) are setting on boil, the entire world. It is reported that India has succumbed to US interests, in the WTO round at Bali. Very bad !!!!

Towards an economy of mutualism (Dec 04, 2013, The Hindu)


J.C. Kumarappa, the Gandhian economist who worked with the Planning Commission in the early years of Indian Independence, favoured industrialisation but insisted that its pursuit should not lead to the creation of an economy of violence. Recent disturbances linked to control over, and fate of, the rich water, mineral, forest and biodiversity resources of the Western Ghats of Kerala suggest that Kumarappa’s worst fears of a lopsided development have come true. As Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz emphasises in his recent book, The Price of Inequality , any nation must aim at a harmonious development of its four capital stocks: not just man-made capital that GDP highlights, but natural capital, human capital and social capital as well. A GDP-centric viewpoint focusses exclusively on economic activity in the organised industries-services sector.

Chembanmudy quarries
 Thus, in the case of the controversial Chembanmudy hill stone quarries of Pathanamthitta district in Kerala, what will count as positive development gains are not only quarrying, crushing and truck transport, but also the boosting of sales of anti-cancer and anti-asthmatic drugs as a result of the ill-health caused by quarrying activities. In the absence of proper records, other relevant elements of economic activities such as the decline in agricultural productivity and loss of employment for agricultural labour that ought to be counted on the debit side will be overlooked. In addition, the GDP-centric view totally ignores the ongoing grave depletion of natural capital, human capital and social capital. Thus, in the case of Chembanmudy, landslips and blockage of streams are adversely impacting land, water, forest and biodiversity resources. Health, education and employment are three important components of human capital. In the Chembanmudy case, health has suffered, with even young children developing lung cancer. Mothers have petitioned that the unceasing truck traffic does not permit their children to focus on studies.

As for employment, there is little for local community members. Most of the small number of labour employed is from tribal tracts of Orissa or Jharkhand, people whose livelihood has been destroyed by rampant mining in their own native districts. There are horror stories making rounds of how this disorganised labour force is ill-treated, with no compensation for accidental injuries or even death. Indeed, the claim that India’s rapid economic growth is helping create much-needed employment is dubious; the annual rate of growth in employment in the organised sector that was 2 per cent when the GDP was growing at 3 per cent, actually declined to one per cent as the GDP growth rate soared to 7 per cent. So what we are witnessing is jobless growth, with accompanying erosion of human and social capital.

Social capital resides in social harmony, cooperation and trust. These too are suffering under the prevalent economy of violence. This economy is promoting grabbing and spoiling of land, water, mineral and forest resources to benefit a few, at the cost of the larger society. This is being facilitated by lawlessness and social injustice: witness the very large number of illegal quarries currently operational in Kerala, estimated at 1,700 out of a total 2,700 functional quarries. The disinformation campaign focussing first on our Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) report, and now on the Kasturirangan report, and the violence that has been triggered suggest that social disharmony has become the order of the day.

WGEEP points out that we are currently practising “Development by Exclusion, accompanied by Conservation by Exclusion.” This is because the many powerful interests that control decision-making today are not motivated to pursue development that would create mutually beneficial relationships among the beneficiaries of the organised industries-services sector and the bulk of our people dependent for their livelihoods and well-being on a healthy base of the natural resources. Nor are the powers-that-be properly informed of the realities at the ground level. This prevails all over the country, despite our well-entrenched democracy and the many constitutional and legal provisions to protect the environment and engage people in decision-making processes that are a result of a sensitivity towards what the people want.

Of all the States, it is Kerala that has led the country in democratic devolution and has made considerable progress in ensuring that people can influence the course of development and protect their environment and livelihoods. A notable example of this is the Plachimada panchayat in Palakkad district, where a Coca Cola plant had polluted as well as depleted groundwater, with consequent drying up of wells, loss of agricultural productivity and concomitant negative impacts on livelihoods. The people of Plachimada ensured that there was a proper scientific inquiry into the losses suffered by them. This provided sound scientific evidence that these losses amount to a whopping Rs. 260 crore. On the basis of this evidence, the panchayat rescinded the company’s licence. Notably enough, initially none of the political parties backed the people’s demands, but came round when confronted with a groundswell of sentiment. While cancelling the licence, the panchayat evoked its constitutional rights, arguing that as a local elected government it had the duty to protect the well-being of its subjects. So it had the right to cancel — or refuse permission to — anything that affected its subjects adversely. The company’s counter-argument was that the panchayat was a subordinate of the State government and thus could not operate out of its domain, since the State government had granted the licence for Coca Cola to operate. The High Court rejected this argument, affirming that people at the grassroots indeed have the authority to decide on the course of development in their localities.

The powers-that-be today would like to set aside these significant constitutional provisions empowering the people and helping them protect their environment. Instead, they are promoting a GDP-centric approach with little concern for natural, human, social capital. This is reflected in the rhetorical — and unconstitutional — question posed by the Kasturirangan panel: “How can local communities have any role in economic decision-making?” Evidently, the Kasturirangan panel wishes to facilitate the continuance of the present system of a predatory economy, but was obliged to prescribe some minimal level of protection for natural resources. Quite typically, this protection is proposed to be imposed from above and is not decided upon through a democratic process. But even this minimal protection is unacceptable to the beneficiaries of the current system who triggered the recent violence.

Duty to inform
Such lopsided development is clearly against broader national interests and since it is people at the grassroots that are best aware of what is happening to the natural, human and social capital, their inputs are critical to arriving at a development strategy that will promote a harmonious, balanced development. The sole duty of those wielding power should, therefore, be to inform the populace of all relevant facts and of the various development-conservation alternatives. Hence, WGEEP has explicitly stated that “we should attempt to develop a model of conservation and development compatible with each other … to replace the prevailing ‘Develop recklessly – conserve thoughtlessly’ pattern with one of ‘Develop sustainably – conserve thoughtfully’. The fine-tuning of development-conservation practices to [the] local context that this calls for would require the full involvement of local communities. It is therefore quite inappropriate to depend exclusively on government agencies for the constitution and management of Ecologically Sensitive Zones. Instead the final demarcation of the Zones and fine tuning of the regulatory as well as promotional regimes must be based on extensive inputs from local communities and local bodies.”

An important focus of the development of the Western Ghats tracts of Kerala should therefore be on properly informing and organising people down to the grassroots level to exercise their democratic rights. A well-informed and empowered citizenry will ensure that the environment is properly cared for even as we continue to industrialise, as has happened in Germany and the Scandinavian countries. What we need to concentrate on is implementing that which by all rights must be implemented, namely, the constitutional provisions for protecting the environment and empowering the people.

Of course, India must continue to develop a vibrant technology-based economy as well. Inevitably, this will end up employing only a small proportion of our people. But this modern economy must come to assume a mutualistic, and not predatory, role towards the natural resource-based, labour intensive sector of the economy. That is the only route to balanced and harmonious economic and social development.

(Madhav Gadgil is Chairman of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel.

Modern economy must come to assume
a mutualistic, and not a predatory, role toward the natural resource-based,
labour-intensive sector of the economy