Friends from India, hope you will
be familiar with that primordial prayer, the GAYATRI MANTRA.
It is a prayer, pleading, begging,
cautioning ,warning that
the INTELLECT should not wane. The word ‘dhee’ denotes the intellect and is used twice in that
short sloka. Please also note the
use of the word
‘Savitir’ in that sloka. (The Gayatri Mantra is repeated multiple times in the Vedas, known to us. Once in the Rig Veda (3.62.10), four times in the Yajur Veda (3.35; 22.9; 30.2; &36.3,) and once again in the Sama Veda - (, Uthharachhikam part))
In the
Mahabharatha epic and Gita too (which is a part of MBh) there are
frequent references to Buddhi or
the intellect. Please look up slokas 42 & 43 in Chapter 3, Karma-Yogam.
primordial being or
man was sharply concerned
about his intellect; he feared that it will wane. And therefore it was
his daily prayer to that all encompassing effulgence that his and the collective intellect should not wane , but be sharper
than ever. The above being his prayers
what really happened ? Did his intellect remain steady ?
from TAMIL/DRAVIDIAN Experience.
Friends, at one
point in time there was no separation between the Islamist Jihadis and
the Tamilians. Suicide bombings
using women and children and summary
executions were indulged in by the
LTTE a Tamil organization based in Sri
Lanka. The mainland Tamils were also
affected by this violence. The bomb blast in
Meenambakkam airport, Chennai and the Rajiv Gandhi assassination can be
quoted as examples. As all will admit,
extreme violence or propensity towards the same is an indication of declining intellect. Our poor cousins in the Pakistan and others
in Middle East and Northern Africa are in its debilitating grip. (But they do not realize this)
Long before the
Dravidian movement (in S.India) took
shape , or before the
embryo/seed of that idea was conceived,
the following was the description for the term Dravida in a Classical Hindu
dictionary. The meaning for
DRAVIDA in the “A Classical
Dictionary of Hindu
Mythology and Religion Geography,
History, and Literature” compiled by
John Dowson and First published
in 1879 at London is quoted here . Quote
:- “DRAVIDA – The country in which the Tamil language
is spoken, extending from
Madras to Cape Comorin. According to Manu,
the people of this country were originally Kshatriyas, but sank to the condition of Sudras
from the extinction of sacred
rites and the absence of Brahmans. As applied to the classification of
Brahmans it has a much wider application, embracing Gujarat, Maharashtra , and all the south.”
Page 97.
before, ie. much before the seed of
Dravidian separatism was sown by
the Protestant Christian Missionary , Bishop
Robert Caldwell, the field was
already ready ,to receive those seeds of sectarianism and
Thus Dowson’s above entry for the word Dravida is based on that great text , the Manusmrithi.
Manusmrithi is the foremost among our law-codes and dates much before any law codes
known to mankind like the Old Testament of the Bible etc. It takes into account the diversity of the population, and allowing for diversity
and adopting a policy of live and let live, Manu , the divine or semi-divine or human being had set those
laws. Though Manusmrithi is a
intellectually rejuvenating work, it had
been set upon by the Dravidian political
parties, inspired by non-native ideologies.
As per the above quoted text from the classical dictionary, let us see
what Manu says in Manusmrithi.
In Chapten Ten, titled by modern scholars as Rules
for the Times of Adversity,and
sub-headed Mixed Classes, the
following is mentioned with the verse numbers. “When children fathered
by twice-born men or women
of equal class do not keep
the observances and have fallen from the Savitri- ( explanation of Savitri by the translator : the Savitri verse is frequently used
as a metonym [a word, name, or
expression used as a substitute for
something else with which it is closely associated. For example, Washington is a metonym
for the US govt.] - for the rite of initiation, the imparting
of this verse constituting a
central element of it.(p.246) , they
should be called by the name Vratya.(verse 20). From a
Vratya of the Brahmin class are born the evil natured Bhrjjakantaka, and as per the geographical location are called the Avantya, the Vatadhana, the Puspadha, and the Saikha. (v.20). From a Vratya of the
Ksatriya class are born
the Jhalla, the Malla, the Licchivi, the
Nata, the Karana, the Khasa,and the
DRAVIDA.(v.22). From a
Vratya of the Vaisya class are born the Sudhanvan, the Acarya, the
Karusa, the Vijanman , the Maitra, and the Satvata. By deviating from the path
desirable/prescribed for the
varnas/classes, by marrying forbidden women (same Gotra) and by abandoning the activities proper to them, arise the intermixture
of classes.v.24,. I will enumerate completely
those who are of mixed origin, born in the direct and in the inverse
order and mutually connected.v.25”………………In one more
place , Sage Manu has mentioned about
Dravidas. .. “By neglecting rites and by
failing to visit Brahmins for learning, atonement, yajna, etc , however , these
men of
Ksatriya birth have gradually reached in the world the level of Sudras v.43, -
Pundrakas, Codas, DRAVIDAS, Kambojas, Yavanas,
Sakas,Paradas, Pahlavas, Cinas, Kiratas and Daradas.v.44. All the castes in the world that are outside
those born from the mouth, arms,thighs , and
feet- whether they speak foreign or Arya languages- tradition calls Dasyus.” (pages 209, 210, Manu’s Code of Law,
A Critical Edition and Translation of
the Manava-Dharmasastra by Patrick
Olivelle, published by Oxford)
Inference from Manusmrithi
Considering the sound Savitur
in the Gayatri Mantra and the use of the similar sound Savitree
in Manusmriti 10.20 ( in the
context of the Dravida’s) , and both referring
to observance /non-observance of Savitur/ Savitree for the
sake of sharpening or preserving the intellect intact
, it means that groups of people had
forgotten or abandoned ways and means of
keeping the intellect from waning. One such people badly affected is the
Dravidan people of modern day TN. Please note that all this is related to
KARMA, appropriate karma were not engaged in to keep the intellect from waning. And most
probably other karma’s would have
replaced the desirable karmas.
Let us now consider how undesirable KARMAS not steeped in justice will give rise to
new groups/sects or race of people. Wrong Karmas are the result
of a weak or dimmed intellect.
Now we know that trade unions originated in Britain
in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. Quote from Wikipedia “The origins of trade
unions can be traced back to 18th century Britain, where the rapid
expansion of industrial society then taking place, drew women, children,
rural workers, and immigrants into the work force in large numbers and in new
roles.” . That is, a new situation arising out of the organization of work (karma) by
new means of machines and capital, led to the emergence of a new class/caste
of people in England called Industrial
workers. We are yet to fathom the damage
to our consciousness and that to the environment due to the
industrial revolution. Infact Industrial
Revolution is equivalent to dosha (something bad) affecting
humankind like the imbalance of Vata, Pitha and Kapha lead to
doshas afflicting the human body as per Ayurveda. So the dosha of
Industrial Revolution has spawned a new class of workers called
industrial workers who then formed unions. And further we now have sub-classes/castes in this like Railway
workers union, Coal miners
union etc, etc.
This process
of new class or caste of people
originating due to some kind of
wrong-doing (Acts of INJUSTICE or violation of Dharma which are all Karmas) by
mankind is not any new phenomenon, but
dates far back intime, ie in the misty past. In addition to Manu’s work detailed above, look at another account from
the Mahabharatha relating to the origin
of DRAVIDAS Quote from Adi Parva, Section 176 (CLXXVI), Chaitratha Parva(
Continued.). The events here are those unfolding in the Ashram of Sage Vasishtha, where Monarch
Viswamitra , a Kshatriya(before he became Rajarishi) is trying forcibly to take away Nandini , the
divine cow from Vasishtha. The story is narrated by the Gandharva Chaitraratha to Arjuna.
Excerpts :- “ Viswamitra replied, “I am a Kshatriya,
but thou art a Brahmana,devoted to asceticism and study.
Is there any energy in Brahmanas
who are peaceful and who have
their souls under perfect command ? When thou givest
me not what I desire
in exchange even for ten thousand cows, I will not
abandon the practice of my order; (ie Kshatriya varna) , I will
take thy cow even by force !’
Vasishtha said,
‘ Thou art a Kshatriya endued with might of arms.
Thou art
a powerful monarch. O, do in
haste what thou desirest; and stop not to consider its propriety.
The Gandharva
continued, Thus addressed by Vasishtha, Viswamitra, O Partha, then
forcibly seized Nandini, that cow (white) like the swan or the moon, and attempted to take her away, afflicting her with
stripes and persecuting her otherwise. The innocent Nandini
then began,O Partha, to low piteously, and approaching the illustrious Vasishtha
stood before him with uplifted face. Though persecuted
very cruelly, she refused to leave the Rishi’s asylum’.
her in that plight, Vasishtha said, ‘O amiable one, thou art lowing
repeatedly and I am hearing
thy cries. But, O Nandini, even Viswamitra is taking thee away by force, what can I do
in this matter, as I am a
forgiving Brahmana ?’
The Gandharva
continued, ‘Then, O bull in Bharata’s race, Nandini, alarmed at the
sight of
Viswamitra’s troops and terrified
by Viswamitra himself, approached
the Rishi still closer, and said, ‘O illustrious one, why art thou so indifferent to my
poor self afflicted
with the stripes of the cruel
troops of Viswamitra
and crying so piteously as if I
were masterless?’ Hearing
these words of the crying and persecuted Nandini, the great Rishi lost not his patience nor turned
from his vow of forgiveness. He replied, ‘The
Kshatriya’s might lies in physical strength, the Brahmana’s in forgiveness. Because I cannot give
up forgiveness, go thou, O Nandini, if thou choosest’. Nandini answered, ‘Castest thou me away, O
illustrious one, that thou sayest so? If thou dost NOT cast me of f,
I cannot, O Brahmana, be taken away
by force.’ Vasishtha said, ‘O blessed
one, I do not cast thee off
! Stay if thou canst ! O, yonder is thy calf, tied with a
stout cord,and even now being
weakened by it !’
The Gandharva
continued, ‘Then the cow of Vasishtha,
hearing the word STAY, raised her
head and neck upward, and became terrible to behold. With eyes
red with rage and lowing
repeatedly, she then attacked Viswamitra’s troops on all sides.
Afflicted with their stripes
and running hither and thither
with those red eyes of hers, her wrath
increased. Blazing with rage, she soon
became terrible to behold
like unto the sun in his midday
glory. And from her tail she began to rain showers of
burning coals all around.
And some moments
after, from her tail she brought
forth an army of
Palhavas, and from
her udders, an army of DRAVIDAS and
Sakas; and from her dung, an
army of
Savaras. And from the froth
of her mouth came out hosts of
Paundras and Kiratas,
Yavanas and Sinhalas, and the
barbarous tribes of
Khasas and Chivukas
and Pulindas and Chinas
and Hunas with
KERALAS, and numerous
other Mlechhas. And that vast army of Mlechhas
in various uniforms, and armed
with various weapons, as soon as it
sprang into life, deploying in the very
sight of Viswamitra, attacked that monarch’s soldiers……..(pages
355-56, MBh.Vol. I, Kisari Mohan Ganguli)
The above
story is amenable to various interpretations. Brahmin Sage
Vasishtha may be
compared to the right Knowledge,
and Kshatriya King Viswamitra
to Action , without thinking and
restraint. Nandini may be compared to the bountiful and benevolent nature which satisfies the legitimate
needs of all. Coveting such
a resourceful earth
for oneself and actions
to make it one’s own
had spewed out groups
of action-oriented people with
predominantly violent disposition. Infact they
are the by-product of such
covetousness. Action without the right knowledge spells
negative consequences for
society. The above event from the MBh and
the laws in the Manusmrithi debunks
the Aryan Invasion Theory.
Let us look at a comparable Modern situation. The “Great Game” between
Britain and Russia
contributed in great measure to
the partition of India, and thus we got
a thorny neighbour. Quote Wikipedia :-
"The Great Game" was a term for the strategic rivalry
and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian
Empire for supremacy in Central Asia.” And this game did not stop with the partitioning
of India. It continued with the meddling
of internal affairs in Pakistan and Afghanistan by the Western Powers and
arming the Mujahiddeen against Russia. The interests of the world powers got
wider, and aimed at controlling the oil resources in the Middle-East and
Central Asia. So this led to the origin of Taliban, Al-Queda etc, which has grown into
thorny trees which the Western powers
are trying to root out unsuccessfully. Taliban, Al-Queda etc, are let us not forget groups of people, formed out
of the rivalry between the Western powers in modern times. From one wrong to another
larger wrong, from a smaller dosha to a larger dosha, the
wrongs are thus growing
A group representative of
Tamils ,(?) the LTTE
brought to the fore the violent
disposition of the Dravidians. Their
violence reached the apogee , deploying women suicide bombers
as well as child soldiers.
This led to their annihilation at
the hands of the Sinhalas.
LTTE violence is comparable to the violence displayed by
Islamic Jihadists in Peshwar and
Paris. Imagine , the Tamils
or a section
of the Tamils had reached the brink, it
was a close call for the
Tamilians in general pulled
into the conflict by
LTTE who were influenced by non-native ideologies of violence
and mayhem.
The knowledge provided by our Shastras are in
stark contrast to those of the Modern West. The above passages derived or rather
re-discovered from our worthy texts
debunks Western theories in
anthropology, jurisprudence,
sociology, economics, history, political
science, etc etc. Western scholarship is
thus questionable !!!!!!
Jagratha, Arise and be alert !!!