GENETICS or knowledge about genes, is portrayed as another feather in the cap, worn by the Modern West. This knowledge similar to that of knowledge of atoms, and their applications are retrograde.
The following event reported in The Hindu, is a revolt/resistance by people against, these kinds of LATEST 'knowledge' and its applications. - Surely this is a reminder that humankind or society has'nt progressed 'a wee bit' !!!!!!
The protests marches reminds me of The Bhagavad Gita verse 4:17, about the correct knowledge about 'karma'. The West does not have a full perspective of Karma, Akarma & Vikarma !!!!
Protesters march against Monsanto across the globe | The Hindu
Human intellect and other sensory faculties decline with passage of TIME. As a result, the sum total of all 'modern' knowledge is far from perfect and is faulty. That is why new solutions to problems facing mankind is ineffective, and these new solutions generate even more difficulties for mankind.
Friday, May 31, 2013
'VI-KARMA' - Invasive foreign tree species in forests gets the axe | The Hindu
Commercial Plantations are one among the many 'stupid' ideas of the WEST !!!
Actually, it turns out later,(here within 150 years) these type of cultivation come under 'Vi-karma', ie. actions that should not be done.
Invasive foreign tree species in forests gets the axe | The Hindu
Actually, it turns out later,(here within 150 years) these type of cultivation come under 'Vi-karma', ie. actions that should not be done.
Invasive foreign tree species in forests gets the axe | The Hindu
Foreign tree species which made an entry into Indian forests more than a century ago, have become a serious threat to the movement of wildlife as well as the growth of native plants.
Forest officials say among the alien species, wattle was a major problem which would automatically get re-generated in several areas.
Until 2009, the Forest Department systematically cleared these invasive tree species. But, in 2010, the Department recommended to the government that the wattle should not be removed. Due to this, the clearing of wattle in forest areas was stopped. Within the next two years, this invasive species has spread across several thousand hectares in the Western Ghats. Another problematical species is the eucalyptus.
The State government recently issued orders to clear wattle trees from various forest areas across the State. In Kodaikanal forest division alone the invasive wattle and eucalyptus have covered nearly 22,000 ha.
D. Venkatesh, District Forest Officer, Kodaikanal, said the invasive species will not allow any shrub or the local species of grass to grow around it. Additionally, they grow densely, leaving little space for the wildlife to pass through. Above all, a resin type of material will ooze from the tree during rainy days, which will turn the soil acidic.
As the invasive trees are not deep rooted, they get uprooted during windy days and fall on the road, creating problems for road users.
Mr. Venkatesh said that with the dense growth and absence of grass for feeding, the Indian gaur population from the wild had migrated to the town in search of fodder. “This is becoming a major problem in areas such as Kodaikanal town, Periyakulam, Thadiyankudisai, Thandikudi, Pannaikkadu and Kumbarayur.”
The Forest Ddepartment had earmarked five hectare area each in seven Forest Ranges in the Kodaikanal Forest Division. They were stacking the dead and wind-fallen exotic tree species. So far 452.4 tonnes of dead and wind-fallen wood were removed and the Department had earned revenue of Rs. 2.29 lakh, he said.
A senior Forest official said the Department did not stop with mere clearance of the invasive species. They also planted Shola tree saplings in the cleared area. The Department cleared invasive tree species from 35 ha of area in Kodaikanal, Berijam, Mannavanur and Poombarai in Kodaikanal forest division. Similar effort is being taken in the Nilgiris South and North forest divisions, said a senior Forest official.
The Tamil Nadu Green Movement cautioned that less expensive, proper techniques, established and proven methods for clearing invasive tree species did not exist and the restoration of habitat required patience and long-term commitment. It was suggested that a scientific probe has to be done in an experimental plot and its outcome should be measured before starting a large-scale removal process.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sixty years of a DNA world view
Over the last week, there have been several articles celebrating the passage of 60 years since James Watson and Francis Crick published their paper in Naturedescribing the double helical structure of the DNA molecule. It unleashed a genomic worldview and led to the central dogma of genetics and biology, the linear flow of cellular information from DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) to RNA (ribonucleic acid) to protein within cells, which seemed elegant in its simplicity, captured the imagination of many and is by now enshrined in science. Ever since, largely through miscommunication by many parties, “there is a gene for condition xyz” has been taken to mean, “the gene causes xyz and the gene alone causes it.” This idea has trapped the general thinking on genetics in numerous ways, building an edifice for a molecule that supposedly unzips all by itself, self-replicates, has the blueprint for all the components of a single cell and organism, causes all diseases and defines all characteristics. Its power and hold are strong also because the idea and its implications fit like a glove within culturally inscribed, fatalistic beliefs of all hues and shades in different societies.
The strength of this acceptance is so extreme that these days it is quite normal to hear people refer to some of the deeply engrained practices within an organisation, in a business, or even in a community, having nothing to do with genes, as being “in their DNA.” Nevertheless, this popular notion of DNA being the central and the only player in cellular and genetic information is quite flawed and scientists have known this for a long time even as new evidence continues to mount opposing the perception of DNA as the master molecule. It is also no longer a simplistic genes vs environment argument, nor do genes provide a map or blueprint that is merely set off one way or another or slightly modified by the environment; indeed “what is a gene?” is a hotly debated and unsettled question in science.
Scientific observations
The linear model of the central dogma got slashed bit by bit when we learned that DNA molecules don’t do anything by themselves; their expression is controlled, modified and regulated at different levels by proteins, RNA, chemicals in the cells, other genes that may be close by or far away, and by the environment over time in multiple ways, and in different stages of growth, development and disease. Genetic expression is quite plastic and the effects of multiple genes cannot be added up. While monogenic diseases, those that are controlled by a single pair of genes, make up a handful of all existing diseases, the living conditions of organisms and numerous, perhaps hundreds of genes, are implicated in each of the common health conditions.
That genetic tests claim to be able to predict or add value to one’s health by testing the probability of common health problems such as heart disease or diabetes or tailor one’s diet and so on and so forth is false or highly exaggerated. Prof. David Goldstein, writing about gene variants and disease in The New England Journal of Medicine says that the effect of small variations to the DNA sequence is limited so that a very large portion of the genome is needed to explain a disease. This leads to pointing at everything in the DNA as being responsible for a health condition, which is the same as pointing at nothing. Other scientists find that contrary to earlier thinking that there were distinct locations for individual genes, most genes are overlapping. Based on their understanding of RNA and their role in gene expression they believe it might be time for a new definition of a gene to be put in place.
Scientists, who have been concentrating on mechanisms of inheritance and expression not related to DNA sequences, a system called epigenetics, think that we should be concentrating on gene networks. Furthermore, the architectures of cellular components other than DNA and RNA are also perceived as important, and the trajectory that is selected by a cell and organism under environmental stresses is deemed to play a big role. Still others are working on different ways in which epigenetic inheritance is taking place and realising that these are not rare and are likely to be numerous and part and parcel of normal development. These kinds of cellular networks and mechanisms may turn out to be the missing elements in predicting disease.
Paradigm shift
This complexity in our understanding of inheritance and genetic networks challenge various applications, including our ideas on evolutionary selection and how this might actually occur on whole organisms and molecules. The point is that this debate appears to bypass the world at large and is seemingly not bringing about huge changes in applications or the fanfare surrounding DNA. Perhaps these shifts occur at a different pace in various fields of inquiry. More importantly, the central dogma, and the genetic horoscope theory have a lot invested in them by the genetic industry of testing, genomic medicine, plant genomics and funding priorities by major government and private donors. If we changed our approach and were to study cellular genetic networks, the effects of epigenetics, the changes and effects of the environment or even the rare mutations that lead to large effects, perhaps we will learn more about our health and free ourselves from the age of DNA determinism.
(Sujatha Byravan is a biologist based in Chennai. She was president of the Council for Responsible Genetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts.)
The popular notion of the double helix being the main and the only player in cellular and genetic information is quite flawed
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
KARMA GONE BAD OR VIKARMA !!! -An Indian winter - The Hindu
An Indian winter - The Hindu
"These outrageous assertions run against the laws of established science, which have conclusively shown that greenhouse gases trap radiation. More gases will cause more warming sooner rather than later and we are adding carbon to the atmosphere at least 10,000 times to the long-term natural rate of the carbon cycle.
"These outrageous assertions run against the laws of established science, which have conclusively shown that greenhouse gases trap radiation. More gases will cause more warming sooner rather than later and we are adding carbon to the atmosphere at least 10,000 times to the long-term natural rate of the carbon cycle.
These assertions also run against the laws of capitalism. Its inherent tendency is one of accumulation, profits and growth, the environment and people be damned. The roots of global warming — and many other ecological and other ills thrust on the poor everywhere — lie in this systemic economic logic. The oceans and the atmosphere are just capitalism’s largest waste dumps. Notwithstanding the energising political developments in Latin America and elsewhere, we are hardly being able to undermine capitalism’s essential economic logic on the scale necessary. Nor will we be able to do so in the foreseeable future. Global warming, alas, is here to stay, the new normal. Unsubstantiated assertions are neither a good way to tackle it nor sound bases for healthy debate."
A hidden property empire grown with Mussolini’s millions - The Hindu
A hidden property empire grown with Mussolini’s millions - The Hindu
With money from the dictator for papal recognition of the Italian fascist regime in 1929, the Vatican used tax havens to create a £500m international portfolio"
Medicine is too much with us - The Hindu
Medicine is too much with us - The Hindu
"Just as the industrial revolution did a lot of damage and is still doing, drugs and irrational modern medicine will do the same if left unchecked. For most of us, it is safer and profitable to go with the flow but if you have the good of the common man at heart, it will pain to know the truth about modern medicine — a golem, indeed!"
"Just as the industrial revolution did a lot of damage and is still doing, drugs and irrational modern medicine will do the same if left unchecked. For most of us, it is safer and profitable to go with the flow but if you have the good of the common man at heart, it will pain to know the truth about modern medicine — a golem, indeed!"
Monday, May 6, 2013
Work extracted through Machinery is evil. That
is why modern society is caught in the quagmire of EVIL, since machines of all kinds are extensively used. The West
addresses this problem of doing away with social evils, with technology and more and more machines. Eg. The equipments for security and surveillance and the ubiquitous camera that you see everywhere. But then the problems do not vanish and it redounds with multiple and complex negative effects, threatening biological life on this planet . Thus it is evident that the WEST does not fully
comprehend the human spiritual, mental and physical constitution, essential for devising effective and long-lasting solutions conducive to peaceful living and happiness. Their incomplete knowledge of human nature & processes prevents them from conceiving BENIGN Management /Work Theories and
Practices, essential for harmonious living. The deficiency of the West stems from its lack of understanding of
the COSMIC process. Their Cosmology is weak and erroneous.
A chunk of modern machines run on electricity. Though businessmen
and management experts consider the
chronic power shortage in Tamil Nadu
to be a bane, it should be
considered as a boon in disguise. People are inadvertently being conditioned to
reduce power dependency and thus are weaned away from machinery.
Western Machinery Fetishism
In the blog-posting
'PAUL & THE RIGHT TO BE LAZY' , it had been pointed out that Paul
Lafrague had blundered badly, in advocating more and more industrial machinery
to rescue the working class from drudgery. Further
he had advocated the duration of work to be limited to maximum three or four hours a day. And
to dispense off with manual labour he
suggested the desirability of inventing more and more machinery. This
was in the year 1883.
In 1908, Gandhiji wrote The Hind Swaraj, a very
fundamental work , touching all aspects
required of peaceful national
living. In 1921, in the foreword to a later edition of the book , Gandhiji has said that the book was
written “in answer to the Indian School of violence and its prototype in South Africa” (The full text of 'A Word of Explanation' by Gandhiji is provided
in the scanned images in the blog-post).
According to Lord Lothian, a Britisher,
what Gandhiji was trying to teach India and the world “now lay in the
germ in that little book which deserved to be read and re-read in order to
understand Gandhiji properly”. One chapter of Hind Swaraj addresses the 'evils' due to machinery.
Gandhiji was not advancing
naïve arguments against MACHINERY. His
reasonings against Machinery are sound,
and today we experience that, it had withstood the tests of TIME. Gandhiji
appeared very candid, when he said that “the impetus behind it all(machinery) is not the philanthropy to save
labour, but GREED.” Paul Lafarge also desired more and more machinery for rescuing humans
from drudgery (saving labour) without worrying about its negative consequences.
But Gandhiji is more
pragmatic with his total
understanding of human nature .
Further it was Gandhiji’s caution that
machinery will help concentrate the wealth in the hands of a few. This is very
conspicuous today, and frequently we
read in the media about the trillionaires
list and the FORTUNE 500 companies.
Gandhiji also believed that
machinery will atrophy the limbs of man, and will encroach upon his
individuality. This aspect of machinery we are experiencing constantly, in our
daily life. Not only our limbs, but our intellectual faculties are atrophied. Our privacies are
invaded and personalities distorted. The machines are ruling our life, in our
house as well as in the work-place For
primary needs of man like food and
clothing (ploughshare and needle ,spinning wheel and sewing machine) Gandhiji was agreeable to the
usage of limited machinery.
Gandhiji likens his body to a most delicate piece of
machinery. At a very personal level, as a Indian, he understands that the body
stands in the way of salvation, ie
absolute liberation of the soul. Gita
18:11 states that One who is in embodied form cannot fully dispense away with
KARMA (action/momement/work). And Gita 18:48 , says that all KARMAS have
negative side-effects, the degree of
NEGATIVITY depending on the KARMA, ie. good or bad.
Non-karma, ie perfect stillness represents the state of Moksha.
Negative-karma ie Vikarma generates Vasanas or tendencies, which
will lead to further karma. Whereas positive ( as per shastras) karmas
burns up one’s karma-generating-vasanas
from this life as well as previous lives, helping in advancing in the steps
towards liberation.
This above tallies
with Gandhiji’s constant refrain that
one cannot or it is IMPOSSIBLE for one to realize perfect Truth and Ahimsa,
so long as one is imprisoned in this mortal frame. Gandhiji
had fully understood the MATHEMATICAL
EQUATION provided by the Gita
with respect to realization of perfect Truth and Ahimsa. Once again
consider Gita 18: 11 & 48. Embodiment =Body =Karma=Negative Consequences. Gandhiji had equated the body to a delicate
machinery. Body=Machine=Karma=Negative effects (karma-bandham), which hinders
the liberation of the soul. If body itself is
a hindrance, what about Machines, which mostly contributes to increase in NEGATIVE KARMA in GEOMETRIC PROPORTION. ? Today the
world is in the grip of excessive negative karma, facilitated by MACHINERY of
all kinds. Any thinking and feeling person cannot totally ignore this fact !!
Like our body , Gandhiji
says that Machines are inevitable and is a NECESSARY EVIL. Neverthless all should strive for
transcendence. That means first we have to limit the use of Machinery and totally dispense with it. This will ultimately prove to be good for the
individual as well as society/nations. This
represents SANE Management /Work practice.
Quotes from the book ‘The Hind-Swaraj about Machinery & Scanned Text --(References)
EDITION’ published in 1938, there is a conversation recorded, that
happened between Gandhiji and a 'questioner'. (Pages 74 and 75, scanned
pages provided). This was his response about machinery " Ideally, I would
rule out all machinery, even as I would reject this very body, which is not
helpful for salvation, and seek the absolute liberation of the soul. From that
point of view I would reject all machinery, but machines will remain
because, like the body, they are inevitable. The body itself , as I
told you, is the purest piece of mechanism; but if it is a hindrance to
the highest flights of the soul, it has to be rejected." (p.75)
Further, in A WORD OF
EXPLANATION written by Gandhiji himself for the 1921 edition of Hind
Swaraj his views about MACHINERY were ".................I am
not aiming at destroying railways or hospitals, though I would certainly
welcome their natural destruction. Neither railways nor hospitals are a
test of a high and pure civilization. At best they are a necessary evil.
Neither adds one inch to the moral stature of a nation. Nor am I aiming
at a permanent destruction of law courts, much as I regard it as a
'consummation devoutly to be wished'. Still less am I trying to
destroy all machinery and mills. It requires a higher simplicity and renunciation
than the people are today prepared for."
Chapter XIX of THE
Quote "When I read
Mr.Dutt's Economic History of India, I wept; and as I think of it again
my heart sickens. It is machinery that has impoverished India. It is
difficult to measure the harm that Manchester has done to us. It is due to
Manchester that Indian handicraft has all but disappeared......
has begun to desolate Europe. Ruination is now knocking at
the English gates, Machinery is the chief symbol of modern civilization ;
it represents a great sin.
The workers in the
mills of Bombay have become slaves. The condition of the women working in the
mills is shocking. When there were no mills, these women were not starving. If
the machinery craze grows in our country, it will become an unhappy
Reader: Are the mills, then
to be closed down ?
Editor (Gandhiji) : That is
difficult. It is no easy task to do away with a thing that is
established. We, therefore say the the non-beginning of a thing
is supreme wisdom. (Is Gandhiji considering 'Sarvarambha-parithyagi' of Gita 12:16 &
14:25 !!??)...............
........Machinery is like a
snake-hole which may contain from one to a hundred snakes. ..........I cannot
recall a single good point in connection with machinery.
..Do not, therefore, forget
the main thing. It is necessary to realize that machinery is bad. We
shall then be able gradually to do away with it. Nature has not provided any way
whereby we may reach a desired goal all of a sudden. If, instead of welcoming
machinery as a boon, we should look upon it as an evil, it would
ultimately go.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
“Modern Management Science” is a Western Innovation. Did the West ,understand the basics of WORK ? The answer is a big NO. !!!! From foundations made of sand they have built-up this pseudo-science. (Many Indians have clouded their intellects after being indoctrinated with this fake science.). And the consequences have become very frightful for the entire world. Lacking sound philosophical foundations, the Western intellect is unsteady and wavering. The following product , ie the book “The Right to be Lazy” is the result of such wavering.

Frankly The
Bible is not of much help to Paul. GOD takes rest, on the seventh day. Does
that mean he stopped working thereafter permanently or takes a one day break,
after six days toil, and repeats this six day cycle, till the end of time ? Or does the curse mean that God takes rest for
eternity and that men will have to toil for eternity because of HIS curse.? The Genesis story is not clear
and leaves room for ambiguity. Paul
wants us to believe that Jesus,
Son of God, sermonizing to the masses, tells them they could afford to
be lazy (idle) quoting the examples of birds and the lily. Though Jesus wished
to be idle, later he was forced to
behave like a slave and this image is vivified by his carrying the wooden cross
for his crucifixion. Did Jesus wish to redeem men from the curse of his father
? Was he instigating people against HIS FATHER.? And did the Roman authorities
wish to chain Jesus and his followers to the status of slaves, though Jesus
preached idleness? If Jesus preached idleness , what should we think about the
proverb, that an idle mind is devils workshop.?
“Modern Management Science” is a Western Innovation. Did the West ,understand the basics of WORK ? The answer is a big NO. !!!! From foundations made of sand they have built-up this pseudo-science. (Many Indians have clouded their intellects after being indoctrinated with this fake science.). And the consequences have become very frightful for the entire world. Lacking sound philosophical foundations, the Western intellect is unsteady and wavering. The following product , ie the book “The Right to be Lazy” is the result of such wavering.
is about Paul Lafargue (January 15, 1842 – November 26, 1911), who was the Cuban
son-in-law of KARL MARX, having
married his second daughter Laura. He was a French revolutionary Marxist socialist journalist, literary
critic, political writer and activist. His famous and best known work is
“THE RIGHT TO BE LAZY” written in 1883. This book can be freely downloaded from the the net, one of the links being . Quote from the book is given
below, which highlights how
representatives of a section of the population in Europe viewed WORK (karma).

A strange delusion possesses the working classes of the nations where capitalist civilization holds its sway. This delusion drags in its train the individual and social woes which for two centuries have tortured sad humanity. This delusion is the love of work, the furious passion for work, pushed even to the exhaustion of the vital force of the individual and his progeny. Instead of opposing this mental aberration, the priests, the economists and the moralists have cast a sacred halo over work. Blind and finite men, they have wished to be wiser than their God; weak and contemptible men, they have presumed to rehabilitate what their God had cursed. I, who do not profess to be a Christian, an economist or a moralist, I appeal from their judgement to that of their God; from the preachings of their religious, economics or free thought ethics, to the frightful consequences of work in capitalist society.” (
![]() |
Laura |

In this first
chapter of Lafargue's book , it is interesting to note, how Lafarge who is a materialist (MARXIST),
draws attention to the views from THE BIBLE relating to WORK. In the paragraph quoted above, he had already said “….they have presumed to rehabilitate what their God had cursed.” Here he
is referring to Genesis 3:17-19, where work (labour) is a punishment
from God.
He strengthens his argument for laziness by
quoting Mathew 6:25-33. “Jesus, in his sermon on the Mount, preached idleness:
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." -Jehovah the bearded and
angry god, gave his worshipers the supreme example of ideal laziness; after six days of work, he rests for all eternity.” (Chapter 1 of the book 'The Right To Be Lazy'))

And in the last paragraph of the book (Chapter 4) , Paul draws attention to the image of Jesus climbing Calvary with the wodden cross. Quote “Like Christ, the doleful personification of ancient slavery, the men, the women and the children of the proletariat have been climbing painfully for a century up the hard Calvary of pain; for a century compulsory toil has broken their bones, bruised their flesh, tortured their nerves; for a century hunger has torn their entrails and their brains. O Laziness, have pity on our long misery! O Laziness, mother of the arts and noble virtues, be thou the balm of human anguish!” - This last sentence resonates with the fact that nascent Christianity was addressed to the slave population of the Roman Empire, until the time of Constantine.

And in the last paragraph of the book (Chapter 4) , Paul draws attention to the image of Jesus climbing Calvary with the wodden cross. Quote “Like Christ, the doleful personification of ancient slavery, the men, the women and the children of the proletariat have been climbing painfully for a century up the hard Calvary of pain; for a century compulsory toil has broken their bones, bruised their flesh, tortured their nerves; for a century hunger has torn their entrails and their brains. O Laziness, have pity on our long misery! O Laziness, mother of the arts and noble virtues, be thou the balm of human anguish!” - This last sentence resonates with the fact that nascent Christianity was addressed to the slave population of the Roman Empire, until the time of Constantine.
![]() |
Jehovah Taking Rest |
the above messy possibilities , we have to admit to ourselves that the Indian
concept of WORK (KARMA) is the most scientific, practical and noble one.
The GITA &
The Gita expresses the fact that one is forced to
move/act/work ,as per one’s own ‘Swabhava’ (character), and Swa-bhava
is a product of the Gunas of Prakriti. ie There is no freedom for the individual and
each is under the effect of the Gunas. Further ‘Iswara’ or God
here, never stays idle even for a fraction of a second. ‘Swa-bhava’
influences or decides Karma, whose effects add up and influence the Swa-bhava
in the next birth. Thus a deleterious cycle of birth and death (Samsara)
manifests, and the way to get out is to understand the reality of the cosmic
process and to regulate one’s karma accordingly. Regulated Karma is done
to exhaust one’s ‘vasana’s’ (tendencies or inclinations to
movement/action) acquired from previous as well as this birth. (Ref. Chapter 3,
Karma Yoga)
After extolling the virtues of being lazy, and
citing examples in its favour from The
Bible, empathizing with the working
classes of Europe and also reminding all of the consequences of over-production,
Lafarge offers SOLUTIONs to emancipate the above class from drudgery . One amongst them is the law
forbidding any man to work more than three hours a day. Then there are other
recommendations impacting the social and hierarchical plane, which are
‘revolutionary’. But the one which is very significant and of much interest to Indians is his
advocacy of conquering the new
mechanical forces for social encouraging and providing an
environment for the invention of more and more MACHINERY for production thereby
relieving the proletariat from manual labour.
In recommending
this solution, he had blundered badly. One of the consequences of development
of industrial machinery is the concentration of wealth about which Gandhiji had warned us in
advance. An example is Bill Gates (software for machines)

At the age of 69, he and 66 year old Laura
died together in a suicide pact.
Lafargue was the subject of a famous quotation by Karl
Marx. Shortly before Marx died in 1883, he wrote a letter to Lafargue and
the French Workers' Party leader Jules Guesde, both of whom
already claimed to represent "Marxist" principles. Marx accused them
of "revolutionary phrase-mongering" and of denying the value
of reformist struggles. This exchange is the source of Marx's remark,
reported by Friedrich Engels: “what is certain to me is that ,if they are
Marxists, then I am not a Marxist".
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