Thursday, April 10, 2014


Yesterday I had visited one of my friends in a premier hospital in TN(India). He is in the hospital bed for a minor surgery. While I was with him, one hospital staff, donning the role of patient care/relation-ship officer had come to inquire about the general comfort of the patient and the attention received from the medical staff. He had a friendly demeanor and seemed much suitable for the job. While trying to be overtly friendly to our friend, he dropped hints about his other responsibilities. That included ordering the pharmacy drugs for the hospital.

A fact he revealed surprised me !!! That the quantity of ANTI-DEPRESSANT DRUGS bought for the hospital exceeded those other drugs needed for the treatment of diabetes. He confided that even doctors are stressed out, one reason being their attempts(studies) to keep abreast of the latest developments in their respective fields , necessitating recourse to such drugs. In this context it is to be
understood that the (working) knowledge in the medical field and in all other modern work-situations, is like shifting-sand, which adds to the stress levels. You could be sacked or sidelined at the work-place, if it gets around that you are stale !!!!

I had read elsewhere a fact regarding Europe that if one were to do a laboratory analysis of the liquid (water ?) flowing in its underground city sewers , you will find concentration of anti-depressant drugs discarded by the human-body as waste. Now we are on the threshold of such a 'revolution in healing and health-care'. Why such treatments are necessary now ? Why the mental health of our society is deteriorating !!??The patient care officer is of the opinion that most cases he knows related to prescription of anti-depressant drugs is due to psychological stress developed at the work-place !!!!

Western approach to ACTION (KARMA) , WORK , life and living is disease prone . In all ways !!!!! And we are imitating and striving to be 'in the image' of Western societies !!!!

I am not sure whether the reason for my friend's surgery is connected to his occupation,-he is the senior vice-president in the Indian arm of a US company, but his immediate bosses are you know who..............

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