belong to a generation that have failed to protect our own ( the present) and
future generations of our land, from
impending calamities. For without discrimination, without any critical
understanding, we have perpetrated the same destructive knowledge (Aasuri) imbibed from an alien civilization. The pitiable state of our existence is reflected
in the fact that our generation is not able to fall back on the knowledge
resources, bequeathed on us, by our ancestors. A deliberate psychological
campaign was unleashed, especially in academic circles, washing away our trust
and confidence in traditional knowledge, which naturally belonged to us. We
look down upon such knowledge as not practical for this age, and not yielding
monetary and materialistic gains. We are diseased !!!!
Madhav Gadgil |
The main news in today’s (April 18th) Malayala Manorama (Malayalam) paper , is about the fragile
nature of Kerala’s ‘geographical’
environment. The report says that 1/3 rd
of the land mass of Kerala is ‘environmentally/ecologically FRAGILE’.
It is not clear whether the environmental audit had covered the whole
land mass of Kerala or only those areas classified as belonging to the Western
Ghats and its immediate precincts. Anyway, overall, the picture is one of anxiety, regarding the
basic material needs essential for living. ie clean air, water and
food and other basic necessities like stable climactic patterns, power and
availability of building materials.
Kasturi Rangan |
Kerala is not highly industrialized like
other Indian States and other industrialized nations, still we have reached the brink. The reason
is that we are following the consumptive
patterns of highly industrialized nations without adequate social controls.
Even the ‘well-governed’ industrialized nations are not able to sustain their
lifestyles with resources raised from within. All this points to the reality ,
that we cannot have any succour from
ephemeralistic modern knowledge and systems. Our only hope of reversing this suicidal trend , before we veer
off the cliff, is to fall back upon traditional
methods of living based on traditional knowledge. Our traditional
knowledge is post-modern , and we as a civilization have the exclusive credit
of analysing human nature and conduct
(action/karma) derived from a full and proper understanding of the
coming into being of the COSMOS. Ah ! we
understand the whole picture !!!!
Drinking water being transported |
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